Thursday, February 23, 2012


February 23, 2012

My name is Diana Petersen,

I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandmother, friend, business owner, hiker, a poor house keeper, bad speller and artist.(artist explains the poor house keeper status).    I can now add photographer to the list.  I couldn't say that a few short years ago.  Being creative has always been a part of who I am, photography is just a new way to express that creative side in me. When I found photography I found my passion.

My journey began a little over 5 years ago.  I was at the point where the point and shoot camera was just not enough any more.  I wanted to explore possibilites only a Digital SLR Camera could provide.   My first digital camera it was a Nikon D80.  It was as much camera as I could afford at the time.  The lens I bought with the camera was a Tamron 18-200 lens. (I loved that lens)  I was so excited to explore the possibilities.  I had never taken pictures with anything other than a point and shoot camera.  I didn't know what an F-stop was or what aperture ment.  I bought a DVD to show me how to use my camera.  (I am a visual not a manual reader kind of person)  Then I went out and started shooting.

I heard about Nevada Camera Club and joined in November 2006 as a beginner.  I had to achieve a blue ribbon on 5 images to advance from beginner to intermediate, that took 1 year.  It took 6 months to go from intermediate to advanced.  I am currently competing in advanced and masters catagories.  In masters the photographer must cut their own matts and print their images themselves.  In 2010 I was awarded the "Kaleidoscope of Blues" award.  This is awarded by the Nevada Camera Club for receiving a blue ribbon in all of the 13 catagories that you can submit an image to be judged in.  Abstract, Animals/Pets, Commercial, Creative, Documentary, Nature/Wildlife, People, Pictorial, Photojournalism, Portrait, Still Life, Unclassified and Club Challange.    I always thought I was a "Landscape" photgrapher, achieving a blue ribbon in each of these categories has helped me become a better photographer and has broadened my view of photography. 

I have recieved many awards in my photography.  In 2011, I was awared First and Second Place in the Helldorado Art Competition (photography division) and First Place at the Jessie Reese Photography Competion.  In 2012, I was awarded Best of Show and First Place (people division) in the Hedrickson Memorial Photo Competition.  In 2010  and 2011 I also received First Place in the Nevada Camera Club Print competition  and Electronic Image competitons and have had several images in the Nevada Camera Club Jurried Exhibitions.  I have been forturnate to have had several solo exhibits.  The first exhibit was in 2011 at one of the Clark County Libriaries that exhibit traveled to other libraries.  I just finished a solo exhibit at the Lloyd D. George Federal Court House.  The exhibit ran from December 2011 to the end of January 2012.  I am currently exhibiting at the Henderson Convention Center.

I sell my images of Red Rock at "Elements"  the gift store at Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area gift shop.  I also have a web site 

Up until a year ago I have been self taught.  I am currently taking photography classes at College of Southern Nevada.  I am learning so much and have so much to learn.  Photography is so divirse I will always be learning, for that I am grateful.  I have come so far and have so far to go to become the kind of photographer I want to become.  I never want to get tired of learning new ways to create great images.  I also know that any thing can become your "God"  and my "God" and my "Family" will always come first and that has not always been an easy choice but it has been the right choice.   A big THANKS goes out to all of my friends and family and photo buddies who encourage me and have helped me along the way.